Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mooninites Revenge!

This applies only to fans of Adult Swim:


Truly gives meaning to the phrase, “You can’t buy that kind of press.” Please note that Boston PD shut down two bridges, all traffic on the Charles, and blew up one of the “devices” before realizing their mistake.


I have one thing to say about that:



Blogger HMCIV said...

When I saw the story I assumed the politicians would over react. But it wasn’t the police that initially reported a face…possibly wearing a turban, flipping them off…with wires and batteries strewn about. That police didn’t recognize the Aqua Teen Hunger Force character immediately gives me some comfort. It’s nice to know they’re at least not watching cartoons while my car gets broken into.

I have a little trouble believing Turner’s claim that the displays have been around for 2-3 weeks. It seems like a long time for such an electronics device to go unnoticed on private property and public spaces. But now at least I understand where Meatwad and Shake get the inspiration for their really poor decisions.

Blogger HMCIV said...

So if we do the math, a cool $2 million buys you and extra 6,000 in Boston. For that kinda money they coulda taken out a superbowl add. Rember kids, ALWAYS test the law of diminishing returns to the bitter end...just like betting in Vegas.

From the Associated Press.

`Aqua Teen' hungers for higher ratings
Associated Press
NEW YORK - So much for the notion that any publicity - even bad publicity - is helpful: Ratings hardly went up for the Cartoon Network show with the ad campaign that briefly paralyzed Boston.

Blinking electronic devices planted around Boston to promote "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" caused authorities, who were worried they might be bombs, to shut down bridges and highways on Jan. 31.

The cartoon averaged 386,000 viewers last week among its targeted demographic of 18-to-24-year-olds, according to Nielsen Media Research. The previous week, the show averaged a virtually identical 380,000 among young viewers.

The devices were removed from Boston and nine other cities where they had been planted after the incident.

The Cartoon Network's corporate parent, Time Warner Inc.'s Turner Broadcasting Systems, and an advertising agency agreed to pay $2 million in compensation.


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